Ozeki Ltd.
Lego robot
Write code to control your Lego robot! Install this app, and you will have the opportunity to use the easy visual programming language SNAP, which is a great starting point to learn programming. You can drag and drop visual program control blocks, you can gather input from sensors and control motors and actuators.
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"Programing and controlling Lego robots is quite difficult with the original software supplied by Lego. It is very different from working with standard programming languagues. As a father, I wanted to create something better for my two sons (Gyula and Gyorgy), that would help them learn programming, and can get them to become familiar with sensors motors and programming robots. My goal was to provide skills that are future proof.
For my younger son Gyorgy, who was 8 at the time I added SNAP, a visual programming language! SNAP was invented at Berkley University, and it is a wonderful, easy to use tool for teaching programming. SNAP makes it possible to use drag and drop to put together small algorithms, and to read sensor data and to control motors. It offers a very easy and natural way to start controlling robots.
" For my older son I have written a simplified environment that allowed him to write C# (C sharp) code to solve more advanced tasks. He can communicate with sensors and control robot movements in a more advanced way. C# is a mature, well designed programming language developed by Microsoft. It is very useful because it is used by millions of software developers to solve advanced business tasks. I am sure it will serve him well in the future.