How to use the Ozeki Web SMS service

This guide takes you through the step by step process of using the Ozeki Web SMS service at to send SMS messages through your Android mobile phone. Using and Android mobile to connect to the mobile network is a fast and efficient way to get started with SMS marketing and SMS notifications for your business.

Step 1 - Register a account

Select Create an account menu
Figure 1 - Select "Create an account" menu

Provide account details and click Register
Figure 2 - Provide account details and click Register

Setup security questions
Figure 3 - Setup security questions

Step 2 - Install the SMS service

Install service
Figure 4 - Install service

Install SMS Service
Figure 5 - Install SMS Service

Open SMS service
Figure 6 - Open SMS service

Open Add mobile page
Figure 7 - Open Add mobile page

Step 3 - Connect your Android mobile

Select scan QR code option

Figure 8 - Select scan QR code option
Scan QR code

Figure 9 - Scan QR code
Connecting to myozeki

Figure 10 - Connecting to myozeki
Link connected

Figure 11 - Link connected

Open add mobile page again
Figure 12 - Open add mobile page again

Mobile added to SMS service
Figure 13 - Mobile added to SMS service

Step 4 - Send SMS messages

Open Send menu
Figure 14 - Open Send menu

Add phone number
Figure 15 - Add phone number

Write message
Figure 16 - Write message

Send message
Figure 17 - Send message

Message successfully sent
Figure 18 - Message successfully sent

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