AttendedTransfer command

The AttendedTransfer command transfers the call during the conversation. Before the transferring actually happens, the transferor must call the target party, while the transferred party changes from InCall state to Hold state. When the command is initiated the transferor leaves both calls and the transferred party and target party will be connected. It is used if a client calls the secretary and would like to talk with the boss. 1st the secretary calls the boss using and if the boss accepts the client then he/she will be attended transferred to the boss and the receptionist leaves the call.

Request parameters

Parameter name Example value Description Mandatory
TranferredCallId 345fad34 The ID of the call who will be transferred. If this command is in a response to a call notification, this parameter will be the ID of that call and can be omitted. no
TargetCallId 355dsc10 The ID of the call where the participant will be transferred to. yes
Username admin The username of the account. The username and password parameters are used to authenticate the user. yes
Password abc123 Specifies the password. The username and password parameters are used to authenticate the user. yes

Response parameters

Parameter name Example value Description Mandatory
Code 200 Returns the status code of the response. yes
Message Command successfully executed Returns the description of the response code. yes
NotificationName Callconnected Name of the notification request type. no

OzML Example

This example demonstrates how you can use the AttendedTransfer command in practice. First, the Speak command tells to all participant, that the transfer is about to happen. Then the AttendedTransfer command will transfer the caller to the call with the ID of HL1bE.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <Speak Party="all">The caller will be attended transfered to call ID HL1bE.</Speak>
    <AttendedTransfer TargetCallId="HL1bE" TransferorParty="caller"></AttendedTransfer>

Example request and response

URL request


<Response xmlns:xsi="" 
  <Message>Command successfully executed</Message>

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