Order now and enjoy the benefits.

Please select the option that best fits your needs and click on the order link. If you have questions, please send an e-mail to Our colleagues will do their best to answer whatever questions you have.

By default your invoice will be raised after the payment is made. On request we can send you a proforma invoice prior to purchase.


To start please select the item that best fits your needs from the table below and click on the order link.

sms software order procedure

After having placed your order, you will receive an e-mail confirming your purchase. For software licenses, your license code will be included in the e-mail.

The prices displayed on this webpage are for information purposes only. This is not an offer. Ozeki Ltd. reserves the right to change prices for Products offered at this website at any time and does not provide price protection or refunds in the event of a price drop or promotional offerings. The prices displayed on this site do not include any applicable sales taxes, including VAT, GST/HST, QST and/or provincial retail sales tax (in effect on the day of purchase) or shipping and handling fees.