3D Slicer Software
After designing a 3D object you must slice it to layers to be printed. 3D printers work on a layer by layer basis which means that an object is cut into thin layers which the printer will create. Slicer software create G-code, a series of printer instructions. Please be sure to set the file format of the sliced object to G-code to be fully compatible with the 3D - Debrecen Printer Software.
All of these software are free of charge but some of them may feature purchasable versions.
Makerbot is a well known, very popular and easily usable software known for its drag and drop concept and highly visual nature. It is often patched and updated and our experience says that this software
produces the fastest and best printing quality on the free slicer software market. We highly advise to use this with the 3D - Debrecen printers. Please note that this software will not automatically offer you the G-code file format. Check our
Quick start guide for detailed settings and explanation.
Get it from here: http://www.makerbot.com/desktop
Slic3r is a free slicing software which has adjustable settings for the printing environment. It also has a limited scaling capability. Most of the open 3D printers use this software and due to this there are
no printer specific settings in it. We suggest to use this software if you have a software environment other than Windows.
Get it from here: http://slic3r.org/
Craftware is a highly popular free slicing software known for its flexiblity. It is capable of scaling, moving, rotating and cloning the given objects.
It is capable of creating a real time editable G-code which can be optimized by avid programmers and engineers. We advise this software for slicing if you want to edit your work before printing or if you want to edit your G-code manually.
Get it from here: https://craftunique.com/craftware
Skeinforge is a free, Python-based slicing software. Therefore if you want to use it, you will have to download Python as well. We advise to use this software only if you are an experienced Python programmer
because most of the instructions are written in Python and the software itself needs to be configurated properly to ensure good printing quality.
Get it from here: http://reprap.org/wiki/Skeinforge
Kisslicer is a cross platform slicer program available in Free and Pro versions. The 3D - Debrecen Printer can use its full capabilities with the Free version. This program is capable of creating 3D printing styles for
printings involving more than one components. We advise this software for users who use operating systems different than Windows and for those who want to print complex objects which require different resolution.
Get it from here: http://www.kisslicer.com/
Cura is a well-known free slicing software which is developed by Ultimaker. It features rotating, zooming and repositioning capabilities. Some delta and disc printer users have reported that Cura sometimes produces unoptimized G-code
which is printed relatively slowly. We do not advise using this software with the 3D - Debrecen printer because this software is designed for cartesian 3D printers.
Get it from here: https://ultimaker.com/en/products/cura-software
If you are looking for a 3D design software, please, click here for our selection of Computer Assisted Design software. If you are not satisfied with the result of your 3D printing, please try using other designer and slicer software. If you have any questions about the 3D - Debrecen printer, please, contact us here.
More information
- How to design 3D object by using different software
- Software for preparing 3D designs for printing
- Generate G-code for Stanford Bunny
- Printer FAQ