Arduino Buzzer Protocol

This protocol controls a buzzer connected to the microcontroller. Buzzers are capable to play different tones and sequentially combine tones to create music. This protocol contains an easy command to achieve this.

How to build a test circuit with a buzzer and an Arduino Mega?
Arduino codes are included.

I. "Welcome" event from microcontroller




Parameter Type Range Functionality
c String "welcome" Identifies the welcome message.
type String "OzBuzzerController" Determines the type of the device.
id String 6 characters (numbers, uppercase and lowercase characters) The ID of the device which is chosen by the microcontroller.
pos Byte 0-255 Determines the position of the device on the list of the ID manager of the microcontroller. Please make sure there are no other devices in the same position.
t Byte 0-255 Counts the number of events and responses sent combined. Counts from 0 to 255 then from 0 again.

II. Command to microcontroller

"Set Buzz" command

This command orders the buzzer to beeping sound with a frequency and duration provided in the parameters. If the duration is not given than the tone will not change until new command.




Parameter Type Range Functionality
c String "setbuzz" Identifies the command.
freq Ushort 0-65535 Frequency of the sound.
length Ushort 0-65535
(optional parameter)
Duration given in millisec. If not given the tone will not change until new command.
t Byte 0-255 Counts the number of commands sent. Counts from 0 to 255 then from 0 again.
id String 6 characters (numbers, uppercase and lowercase characters) Identifies the device. The ID is never changed during communication.


If tone duration was specified than this response will arrive after the tone.



Parameter Type Range Functionality
c String "setbuzz_resp" Identifies the response.
freq Ushort 0-65535 Frequency of the sound.
length Ushort 0-65535
(optional parameter)
Duration given in millisec. If not given the tone will not change until new command.
t Byte 0-255 Counts the number of events and responses sent combined. Counts from 0 to 255 then from 0 again.
id String 6 characters (numbers, uppercase and lowercase characters) Identifies the device. The ID is never changed during communication.

III. Event from microcontroller


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