Modbus FAQs
Industry analysts have reported over 7 million Modbus nodes in North America and Europe alone. See what most customers and industry leaders are interested in when considering Modbus technology. For example how to benefit from Modbus and what is Modbus TCP/IP protocol used for. See the technical FAQ for deeper knowledge.
Basic FAQ For example how to benefit from Modbus and what is Modbus TCP/IP protocol used for. It is highly suggested to use the current page to find answers to the most basic questions of the technology. The answers here can be understood by an average person with no technical skills. Search through the basic FAQ |
Technical FAQ Find answers to protocol related questions. For example some answers to questions about how Modbus works, ASCII, function codes and CRC. You can find some answers about the difference between RTU and ASCII as well as addressing slaves with 2 bytes. Find your answer in the technical FAQ |
More information
- Modbus Function Codes
- Mobdbus function code 1 - read coils
- Mobdbus function code 2 - read discrete inputs
- Mobdbus function code 3 - read multiple holding registers
- Mobdbus function code 4 - read input registers
- Mobdbus function code 5 - write single coil
- Mobdbus function code 6 - write single holding register
- Mobdbus function code 15 - write multiple coils
- Mobdbus function code 16 - write multiple holding registers
- Modbus References
- Modbus protocol basics