
You can receive a Contact ID alarm with the ReceiveAlarmNotification command. If the receiving was successful, then commands will be executed between the <Received></Received> tags. There are several commands you can use here, for example, Call, SendSms, SendEmail. In these commands, you can use the received contact id message using the following parameters.


  • $account = Account number
  • $eventqualifier = Event qualifier
  • $eventcode = Event code
  • $eventname = Event name
  • $partition = Partition number
  • $zone = Zone number

OzML example

This simple example below shows how you can send the received alarm with all its details to the address of admin@localhost by using the SendMsg command within the Received nodes.

      <SendMsg ToConnection='admin @localhost'>
        Account number: $account,
        Event qualifier: $eventqualifier,
        Event code: $eventcode,
        Event name: $eventname,
        Partition number: $partition,
        Zone numer: $zone

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