Problems with incoming messages

This section gives some information about what to check if the incoming messages are not inserted into the database table ozekimessagein. It is assumed that you can see the messages in the inbox of the admin user in the Ozeki Message Server Manager.

As a first step to resolve this issue, open the database plugin 1 configuration form from the Plugins menu. Make sure the "Use database for receiving SMS messages" checkbox is checked.

database plugin configuration
Figure 1 - Database plugin configuration

In the database plugin 1 configuration form select the SQL templates tab. On this tab you can verify the SQL template used for inserting messages into your database.

sms sql templates
Figure 2 - SMS SQL templates

The extended statusbar displays database events. You can open it by clicking on the standard statusbar. In most cases the you can figure out what causes the problem if you read the SQL error messages in the extended statusbar (Figure 1).

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