Create SQL Anywhere Database
In this video series you can see how to connect Ozeki SMS Gateway to an SQL Anywhere database server for SMS messaging. This video shows how to create the proper database table structure by using the GUI of your SQL Anywhere database server.
Video content1. Start SQL Central
2. Create Database
3. Connect to Database
4. Run CREATE TABLE statements
Please scroll down to copy the SQL statements (Figure 1) used in the video. If you have created the database in SQL Anywhere, you can jump to the next video.
Figure 1 - Create SQL Anywhere database by clicking 'Create database...'
Figure 2 - Create Database Wizard
Figure 3 - Select the machine where to store the database
Figure 4 - Specify the database's location in the filesystem
Figure 5 - Select where to use the transaction log on your filesystem
Figure 6 - Create a DBA user. This user will have rights to the database
Figure 7 - Select the type of encryption you prefer
Figure 8 - Specify the size of the database you wish to create
Figure 9 - Choose additional database settings
Figure 10 - Specify the collation sequence to perform alphanumeric sorting operations in the database
Figure 11 - Choose the security model for the system procedures
Your database have been created, so you can add a name and connect to it (Figure 12)
Figure 12 - Connect to database by using the server and database name
Figure 13 - Run CREATE DATABASE SQL statement
Figure 14 - Open interactive SQL in the freshly opened SQL Central
Figure 15 - Connect to your database with the DBA user credentials you have previously set
SQL Anywhere CREATE TABLE statements to copy:
CREATE TABLE "ozekimessagein" ( "id" integer NOT NULL DEFAULT autoincrement , "sender" varchar(255) NULL , "receiver" varchar(255) NULL , "msg" varchar(160) NULL , "senttime" varchar(100) NULL , "receivedtime" varchar(100) NULL , "operator" varchar(100) NULL , "msgtype" varchar(160) NULL , "reference" varchar(100) NULL , PRIMARY KEY ("id"), ) go commit work go CREATE TABLE "ozekimessageout" ( "id" integer NOT NULL DEFAULT autoincrement , "sender" varchar(255) NULL , "receiver" varchar(255) NULL , "msg" varchar(160) NULL , "senttime" varchar(100) NULL , "receivedtime" varchar(100) NULL , "operator" varchar(100) NULL , "status" varchar(20) NULL , "msgtype" varchar(160) NULL , "reference" varchar(100) NULL , "errormsg" varchar(250) NULL , PRIMARY KEY ("id"), ) go commit work go CREATE INDEX "ozekimessageinindex" ON "ozekimessagein" ( "id" ASC ) go commit work go CREATE INDEX "ozekimessageoutindex" ON "ozekimessageout" ( "id" ASC ) go commit work goFigure 16 - CREATE TABLE statements to copy
Figure 17 - Copy CREATE TABLE statements from Figure 16
Figure 18 - Paste CREATE TABLE statements and run them on the SQL Anywhere database server
More information
- Installation of MS SQL Express
- MSSQL Database layout for Ozeki 10 softwares
- MS SQL Troubleshooting guide
- Oracle Installation
- Oracle database layout
- MySQL Installation
- Create MySQL Database Tables
- PostgreSQL Installation
- PostgreSQL Database Tables
- SQL Anywhere Installation
- Create SQL Anywhere Database
- Access Installation
- Access 365 table structure