How to convert a PPT into ODP using Google Docs

This step by step guide show you how to convert your existing PPT presentation to ODP file format using Google Docs service.

Step 1 - Open Google Docs

First setp is to open Google Docs. Type in the address bar of your browser or click on the folowing link: You will see the Google Docs home page as the Figure 1 shows.

how to open google docs
Figure 1 - Open Google Docs

Step 2 - Open file picker

Now you need to upload a PPT file that you want to convert to ODP. To do this, open the file picker menu. You can see the location of this menu in the Figure 2.

how to open file picker
Figure 2 - File picker

Step 3 - Select upload

In the Fle picker select the Upload option and click on the Select a file from your device button.

how to upload files to google docs
Figure 3 - Upload

Step 4 - Open the selected PPT

Then a file browser will open where you select the PPT you want to upload. Select the file and then click on open button as you can see on the Figure 4.

how to upload a ppt to google docs
Figure 4 - Open PPT

Step 5 - The PPT is opened

After it you will see the opened PPT in the Google Docs page as Figure 5 demonstrates it.

opened ppt in google docs
Figure 5 - Opened PPT

Step 6 - Download PPT as ODP

Now you need to download this presentation as ODP file. To do that, as Figure 6 demonstrates, open the File menu and then choose Download. In the Download section select the ODP Document (.odp) option.

how to dowload your presentation as odp file in google docs
Figure 6 - Download ODP

Step 7 - ODP Downloaded

Finally after the Google processed the presentation's convertation the new ODP file is downloaded (Figure 7).

the downloaded odp file
Figure 7 - ODP Downloaded

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