Setup Ozeki 10 on Android
You can easily run your Ozeki 10 server on your Android device by downloading the APK from and installing it. The smart device can be either a smartphone or a tablet. Android is a mobile operating system, based on a modified version of the Linux kernel and other open source software and designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices. At least Android 5.0 Lollipop is required to run Ozeki server. Reach some integrated hardware from gyroscope, GPS location upto SMS and call functionalities. For example you can quickly solve your SMS messaging solutions with a smartphone or tablet.
STEP 1The lowest Android version you can install your Ozeki server is a 5.0 Lollipop. Hold your Android device in your hands and check the version. Then open the webbrowser to reach, to download the latest version of Ozeki 10's Android APK. You can scroll lower to see the newest features and bugfixes in the changelog. After clicking on the OS version to download, you will be asked for your full name as well as your e-mail address. I have typed it into the textbox with full responsability. I learned before that they do not spam me. The comany will only use your e-mail address to provide support through What you have downloaded is a 14 day trial, but you can activate it anytime. The product key binds the software to your hardware. Please close the webbrowser to continue.
This step is required for all Android versions below 8.0 Oreo. See how to install programs downloaded outside the Play Store. Oreo and newer versions will ask you in a popup window if you would still like to start the installation, even though the APK package was downloaded outside the Play Store. Most older Android versions do not accept software from unknown sources, so you should allow your Android OS to install applications from trusted and unknown sources as well. To do this, please pull down the menu on the top and tap on the cog to select the tabpage called 'MORE' and find 'Security', represented with a lock. Almost on the top of the security section you will see 'Unknown sources', as you can see on the screenshot. Is a tick next to it? Please tap the checkbox if there is no tick there. Your changes should be saved instantly.
Find the Ozeki 10 APK package you have downloaded. You will install your Android Ozeki server by clicking on the package. Please open the webbrowser you have used for downloading the APK. In the browser's menu select Downloads. Here you can find all files you have downloaded before. The Ozeki APK package will be on the top, since it is the newest file that have been downloaded. The name of the file is in the following format: installandroid _152414664_Ozeki_10. 0.76.apk Tap on it to start installing your Ozeki 10 server. Unfortunately it is ONLY supported on 5.0 Android versions and above. Although the APK package is approximately 100 MB, the application will require 500 MB hard disk space on your smart device and further space to store data received from Ozeki 10 connections. (e.g. video, audio files)
Please read through all required permissions and allow all. Carefully scroll through the list to see what Android functions will be used with Ozeki 10. The software requires permissions for all of your call and SMS functions and even the front and rear camera functions for recording or filtering the camera views. Ozeki is capable to handle VoIP PBX accounts, SMS Gateways as well as SMPP SMS server accounts. You will allow it to read and modify the SD card as well as your contact list. Ozeki will also have rights to access the gyroscope state and even the GPS coordinates. It will see the call state of your smart device too. Ozeki 10 handles almost all device functions, since it is built on the top of your Android. Finally, tap 'INSTALL' and wait for Ozeki 10's installation to finish. In the newest version you can give each of the permission while using Ozeki 10.
You will see when your Ozek 10 server has been installed on your Android device, like on the screenshot to the right. Press OPEN to start the server on your smartphone. Although it is no problem if you have already pressed DONE. In this case you can find the Ozeki logo on your Android's desktop. Tap it to get started with your first Anrdoid Ozeki server. What is really important to know that the behavior of the 3G, 4G or 5G network periodicly changes the device IP address. This makes your Ozeki server hard to reach from outside sources. So your Android device's local webbrowser is the best way to use the Ozeki server. Reach it through http://localhost:9505/?a=Desktop. The URL, even the local URL can only work if you start the service in STEP 6. The main role of the service is to control the deliver engine between the connections.
This is the first page of your application, which you can see just before starting your Ozeki 10 server. On this page you can start or stop the service. It includes the Ozeki 10 server, which can be reached from your smart device or from a remote location. Although you should know that if you are on a 3G, 4G or 5G mobile network, your IP address will frequently change, which makes you unreachable when on the move. The other case is when you are connected to a local wifi network, which can provide a fix IP, although all the time you reconnect to the wifi router, the IP can change. These 2 reasons make the best way to reach the Android Ozeki 10 service from the Android OS itself. In STEP 7 you will see the created service URL. Please click 'Start service' to make the Ozeki 10 service load and see how the URL has been generated.
Finally it has come, your adventure shall start, where the URL appears. The device will get it's own IP address and a random password for the admin user. The port number is always fix, which is 9505. Please memorize the random password since you will need it on the next page. Click on the blue TCP link and you will be asked for a default browser to use Ozeki 10 with. The browser you choose will always run the Ozeki 10 client GUI. Google Chrome is advised for the best performance and reliability for Ozeki applications. You will see that your Ozeki installation has a bunch of applications from games to SMS sending apps. Later on you can look around the GUI and find all apps that interests you. On the screenshot to the right you can see the link and the password, which gives wordwide access from any location, although the URL can change anytime.
Now Ozeki 10 GUI is actually running in your browser and you can hardly wait to solve your solution. I hope you know the password from STEP 7. If not, you can go back and write it down on a piece of paper or take an Android screenshot to use it later. You logged in with the 'admin' username and got accepted by the server. The admin is the first username you can test Ozeki with, but you can create new users after logging in. If you look at the screenshot to the right. Just below the login form you can see some blue characters with the Ozeki service URL and the type of the license you have. The URL can be sent to other device users, so they can log in. You can create different username and password pairs for the new users. You can read the actual Ozeki version number as well. This is the same version running on your Android device. Click 'OK' to look inside the GUI.
What you see at the moment is the Ozeki desktop GUI. Fortunately it looks quite familiar to a Windows desktop. Now you can look around and try anything you wish. The best way to start is clicking on the Control Panel icon on the desktop. It is symbolized with a red Napoleon. The Control Panel manages the message routes of all of your connections as you need them for your solution. Try to add a connection and you will see how many different connections Ozeki 10 can handle. You can route the messages in wide variations. The Robot Controller is the next big application, which you can find in the start menu under Programs/Devices. Here you can program a much more complex message flow with simple C# codes. This makes Ozeki 10 the best Robot Operating System. It is easy to use for everyone.
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