Arduino sensors and actuators
The following sensors and actuators are compatible with Ozeki Robot Developer. This means you may use them freely in your C#.Net or Snap robot control application. You can control these sensors from the webbrowser based graphical user interface.
Hardware / Input sensors and devices
Analog Sensor
With Ozeki Analog Sensor devices you can read analog pins of the Ozeki Analog Sensor or any Arduino module. Each device can handle a single pin, although each device is a software, so to control multiple pins, you will need to add the Analog sensor multiple times. Analog measurements can be forwarded to any Ozeki connection. For example you can store temperature or humidity sensor data to your SQL database.
See how to install and use the Analog Sensor connection
With Ozeki Analog Sensor devices you can read analog pins of the Ozeki Analog Sensor or any Arduino module. Each device can handle a single pin, although each device is a software, so to control multiple pins, you will need to add the Analog sensor multiple times. Analog measurements can be forwarded to any Ozeki connection. For example you can store temperature or humidity sensor data to your SQL database.
See how to install and use the Analog Sensor connection

Button Controller
Any button can be connected to your microcontroller, which will be able to read the button status using Ozeki protocols. By running Ozeki 10, you can use the Ozeki Robot Controller to easily check if a button is pressed or released. This is the easiest way to control other connection with the press of a button, for example a servo, DC or stepper motors. However you can send it through an SMS Gateway or an Email connection as well.
React with the environment with a press of a button
Any button can be connected to your microcontroller, which will be able to read the button status using Ozeki protocols. By running Ozeki 10, you can use the Ozeki Robot Controller to easily check if a button is pressed or released. This is the easiest way to control other connection with the press of a button, for example a servo, DC or stepper motors. However you can send it through an SMS Gateway or an Email connection as well.
React with the environment with a press of a button

DHT Controller
These connections are capable to forward temperature or humidity data towards other Ozeki 10 connections. By wiring DHT11/DHT22 sensors to your microcontroller, you can install the DHT codes and connect the microcontroller to your Ozeki 10 machine. It is capable to communicate with the microcontroller by using a COM port. The measurements inside each DHT sensor are autorefreshed every 2 seconds.
Collect temperature and humidity data with a DHT sensor
These connections are capable to forward temperature or humidity data towards other Ozeki 10 connections. By wiring DHT11/DHT22 sensors to your microcontroller, you can install the DHT codes and connect the microcontroller to your Ozeki 10 machine. It is capable to communicate with the microcontroller by using a COM port. The measurements inside each DHT sensor are autorefreshed every 2 seconds.
Collect temperature and humidity data with a DHT sensor

Gyroscope Sensor
Gyroscope connections are used for transferring accelerometer, gyroscope, angle and temperature data from the MPU6050 chip to any Ozeki 10 connection. You can store the collected data in an SQL database or you can instantly move some Ozeki 10 motor connections by the X, Y, Z axis. You can also forward the angle and temperature data to an LCD screen. You can see that the routable possibilities are infinate.
See how Gyroscope angles are shown in Ozeki 10
Gyroscope connections are used for transferring accelerometer, gyroscope, angle and temperature data from the MPU6050 chip to any Ozeki 10 connection. You can store the collected data in an SQL database or you can instantly move some Ozeki 10 motor connections by the X, Y, Z axis. You can also forward the angle and temperature data to an LCD screen. You can see that the routable possibilities are infinate.
See how Gyroscope angles are shown in Ozeki 10

Joystick Controller
Analog Joystick connections guarantee that all of the joystick interactions are forwarded to a selected connection in your Ozeki software. Most analog joystick has a top button as well which can be handled by this connection. Joysticks are used for interacting with the physical or digital world by connecting them to motors or radio transmitters including the 433 MHz or 2.4 GHz frequencies. Connect what you need to Ozeki 10.
Detect analog joystick movement and visualize it
Analog Joystick connections guarantee that all of the joystick interactions are forwarded to a selected connection in your Ozeki software. Most analog joystick has a top button as well which can be handled by this connection. Joysticks are used for interacting with the physical or digital world by connecting them to motors or radio transmitters including the 433 MHz or 2.4 GHz frequencies. Connect what you need to Ozeki 10.
Detect analog joystick movement and visualize it

Keyboard Controller
Ozeki 10 supports the MPR121 capacitive touch keypad. Press 12 different characters from 0 to 9 plus * and #. When you touch one of the button's, the MPR121 chip detects the pressed characters. Interract with other devices. The best way to do so is to write a short code in Ozeki Robot Controller, which makes it possible to detect pin codes and open door with relay. To use a relay scroll lower for the Switch Controller.
By wiring the keypad you can detect the pressed key
Ozeki 10 supports the MPR121 capacitive touch keypad. Press 12 different characters from 0 to 9 plus * and #. When you touch one of the button's, the MPR121 chip detects the pressed characters. Interract with other devices. The best way to do so is to write a short code in Ozeki Robot Controller, which makes it possible to detect pin codes and open door with relay. To use a relay scroll lower for the Switch Controller.
By wiring the keypad you can detect the pressed key

NFC Reader
It is a connection between the NFC reader and Ozeki 10. It can detect RFID keycard ID's, so you can route the ID to other connections. Keycards can be used for authenticating persons or objects. For example by routing the NFC connection the SQL connection, you can search the ID in your database by running an SQL SELECT statement. Both RC522 and PN532 NFC readers are supported by NFC connections in Ozeki 10.
Read NFC keycard ID's with this Ozeki 10 connection
It is a connection between the NFC reader and Ozeki 10. It can detect RFID keycard ID's, so you can route the ID to other connections. Keycards can be used for authenticating persons or objects. For example by routing the NFC connection the SQL connection, you can search the ID in your database by running an SQL SELECT statement. Both RC522 and PN532 NFC readers are supported by NFC connections in Ozeki 10.
Read NFC keycard ID's with this Ozeki 10 connection

Optical Gate Controller
This connection can detect the optical gate status, which can be either open or closed. Route the status to another connection by using Ozeki 10's Control Panel. A standard optical gate consists of an infra LED and a photo sensor. These sensors are facing eachother, so the photo sensor can detect the infra light. If the optical gate is closed, something got between the LED and the sensor. Statechange events are sent to Ozeki 10.
See how to detect the state of your optical gate with Ozeki 10
This connection can detect the optical gate status, which can be either open or closed. Route the status to another connection by using Ozeki 10's Control Panel. A standard optical gate consists of an infra LED and a photo sensor. These sensors are facing eachother, so the photo sensor can detect the infra light. If the optical gate is closed, something got between the LED and the sensor. Statechange events are sent to Ozeki 10.
See how to detect the state of your optical gate with Ozeki 10

Rotary Encoder
A rotary encoder is an electro-mechanical device that converts the angular position or motion of a shaft or axle to an analog or digital signal. These connections forward every event generated by rotary changes. These events can be routed from the microcontroller to an other Ozeki connection. Events can either show clockwise or counter-clockwise rotary states or they can also represent the button state on the Rotary Encoder.
Get real time events from the Rotary Encoder connection
A rotary encoder is an electro-mechanical device that converts the angular position or motion of a shaft or axle to an analog or digital signal. These connections forward every event generated by rotary changes. These events can be routed from the microcontroller to an other Ozeki connection. Events can either show clockwise or counter-clockwise rotary states or they can also represent the button state on the Rotary Encoder.
Get real time events from the Rotary Encoder connection

Ultrasonic Sensor
It can both transmit and receive ultrasound to measure length. This connection forwards measurement data from the ultrasonic sensor to a selected Ozeki connection. Ultrasonic measurement data is in cm with a 0.01 cm accuracy. You can always ask the current distance between any object and the sensor. The Ozeki Robot OS can protect your robots from crashing into walls. Even multiple ultrasonic sensors can be wired on your robot.
Find out more about the Ultrasonic Sensor connection
It can both transmit and receive ultrasound to measure length. This connection forwards measurement data from the ultrasonic sensor to a selected Ozeki connection. Ultrasonic measurement data is in cm with a 0.01 cm accuracy. You can always ask the current distance between any object and the sensor. The Ozeki Robot OS can protect your robots from crashing into walls. Even multiple ultrasonic sensors can be wired on your robot.
Find out more about the Ultrasonic Sensor connection

YDLIDAR X4 sensor
The X4 is the one and only Lidar sensor supported by Ozeki 10. The variations of the supported sensors highly depend on the need of our customers. Please let us know if X4 is not made for you and you need something better for your solution. The X4 is a spinning laser sensor measuring distance in 360° to detect object contours in a 11 meter ratio. It can send 5000 frames of measurement data every second to Ozeki through the COM port.
It cannot get easier to connect your new lidar sensor to Ozeki 10
The X4 is the one and only Lidar sensor supported by Ozeki 10. The variations of the supported sensors highly depend on the need of our customers. Please let us know if X4 is not made for you and you need something better for your solution. The X4 is a spinning laser sensor measuring distance in 360° to detect object contours in a 11 meter ratio. It can send 5000 frames of measurement data every second to Ozeki through the COM port.
It cannot get easier to connect your new lidar sensor to Ozeki 10
Hardware / Output devices, actuators
Buzzer Controller
A buzzer is capable to make beeping sounds in different frequencies and durations. With a buzzer controller you can order your buzzer to make various sounds or play music. A buzzer can play tones infinetly until ordered otherwise. Check 'Help' in Ozeki 10 to learn to make music. To create tones, you can route messages to it. You are advised to look around. Play music with SQL, although you can Scroll up to find human interractions.
Make your buzzer create beautiful music
A buzzer is capable to make beeping sounds in different frequencies and durations. With a buzzer controller you can order your buzzer to make various sounds or play music. A buzzer can play tones infinetly until ordered otherwise. Check 'Help' in Ozeki 10 to learn to make music. To create tones, you can route messages to it. You are advised to look around. Play music with SQL, although you can Scroll up to find human interractions.
Make your buzzer create beautiful music

DC Motor Controller
Connects your DC motors to your Ozeki 10. You can move up to two DC motors through any L298N motor driver chip. You can change motor movement direction and speed for both motors by using Ozeki. The motors should be powered from an outside power source with maximum of 36V. DC motors can move your robots front and back. Manage the speed of the motors by setting the power with Ozeki 10.
Move and steer your robots with DC motors
Connects your DC motors to your Ozeki 10. You can move up to two DC motors through any L298N motor driver chip. You can change motor movement direction and speed for both motors by using Ozeki. The motors should be powered from an outside power source with maximum of 36V. DC motors can move your robots front and back. Manage the speed of the motors by setting the power with Ozeki 10.
Move and steer your robots with DC motors

LCD Display
These connections can send text messages to LCD Displays from any connection added to your Ozeki software. This connection supports HD44780 character LCD displays. You can get them in 16x1, 16x2 and 16x4 dimensions. The dimensions represent [ columns x rows ]. Through Ozeki 10's GUI, you can manage your display in ways never seen before. Turn the cursor on or off. Set it to blink. Smoothly control the backlight.
Texts can easily appear on your LCD Display
These connections can send text messages to LCD Displays from any connection added to your Ozeki software. This connection supports HD44780 character LCD displays. You can get them in 16x1, 16x2 and 16x4 dimensions. The dimensions represent [ columns x rows ]. Through Ozeki 10's GUI, you can manage your display in ways never seen before. Turn the cursor on or off. Set it to blink. Smoothly control the backlight.
Texts can easily appear on your LCD Display

RGB LED Controller
These connections can manipulate the color and brightness of your RGB LED. These commands can be routed from any connection added to your Ozeki 10. You can mix colors by using the correct scale of the 3 basic colors and create any color you wish. The red, green and blue colors are each represented by 1 Byte. You can change the brightness while keeping the color if you wish, just keep the color rate between the 3 LEDs.
Create beautiful colors with your RGB LED
These connections can manipulate the color and brightness of your RGB LED. These commands can be routed from any connection added to your Ozeki 10. You can mix colors by using the correct scale of the 3 basic colors and create any color you wish. The red, green and blue colors are each represented by 1 Byte. You can change the brightness while keeping the color if you wish, just keep the color rate between the 3 LEDs.
Create beautiful colors with your RGB LED

Servo Controller
This connection transfers commands to your servo motors from any selected Ozeki connection. This guarantees that all servo motors precisely turn to the angle specified in the commands. You can control SG90, MG996R and other small servo motors with Ozeki 10 Robot OS. Servo motors are used for precise robot arm movements, so you can grab objects with simple Robot Controller codes.
Move your Servo motors to any angle you wish
This connection transfers commands to your servo motors from any selected Ozeki connection. This guarantees that all servo motors precisely turn to the angle specified in the commands. You can control SG90, MG996R and other small servo motors with Ozeki 10 Robot OS. Servo motors are used for precise robot arm movements, so you can grab objects with simple Robot Controller codes.
Move your Servo motors to any angle you wish

Stepper Motor Multi Controller
This connection is capable to transfer commands to your stepper motors from any other Ozeki connection you select. Stepper motors are the most precise motors available. You can command them to move exactly 1.8/16 = 0.1125 degrees/step in each direction. Install Ozeki 10 on your hobby 3D printer to control the printer head with your stepper motors. Raspberry Pi and Asus Tinker Boards are supported.
Control multiple stepper motors with Ozeki 10
This connection is capable to transfer commands to your stepper motors from any other Ozeki connection you select. Stepper motors are the most precise motors available. You can command them to move exactly 1.8/16 = 0.1125 degrees/step in each direction. Install Ozeki 10 on your hobby 3D printer to control the printer head with your stepper motors. Raspberry Pi and Asus Tinker Boards are supported.
Control multiple stepper motors with Ozeki 10
Switch Controller
This connection controls your Switch Controller device from Ozeki 10. These devices run on microcontroller boards. Switches are basicly PWM signal outputs that can turn devices On/Off or sophisticately manage their power. For example you can use it with relays or LEDs. By setting the PWM above 51%, you can turn on your relay. The duty-cycle of the PWM signal can also be changed, which can change LED brightness.
Easily wire a Relay or LED to your microcontroller
This connection controls your Switch Controller device from Ozeki 10. These devices run on microcontroller boards. Switches are basicly PWM signal outputs that can turn devices On/Off or sophisticately manage their power. For example you can use it with relays or LEDs. By setting the PWM above 51%, you can turn on your relay. The duty-cycle of the PWM signal can also be changed, which can change LED brightness.
Easily wire a Relay or LED to your microcontroller
Hardware / Sensors and devices handling both input and output
ID Manager
All of the microcontroller connections detected by Ozeki 10 has it's own ID, which you change. The ID Manager is not a physical electronic device. It is a virtual device controlling ID-s of other devices. Each Arduino loaded with Ozeki compatible software contains exactly one ID Manager installed. You can easily connect your microcontroller to your computer by using an USB cable, so you can get, set or clear device IDs.
Manage Ozeki device IDs from a serial port
All of the microcontroller connections detected by Ozeki 10 has it's own ID, which you change. The ID Manager is not a physical electronic device. It is a virtual device controlling ID-s of other devices. Each Arduino loaded with Ozeki compatible software contains exactly one ID Manager installed. You can easily connect your microcontroller to your computer by using an USB cable, so you can get, set or clear device IDs.
Manage Ozeki device IDs from a serial port

IR Transceiver
Use the most popular remote controller brands to send a signal to this connection and route it as you wish. In the other direction the transmitter can imitate the signals of the most significant remote controller brands to control your devices in your home. For example TVs, DVD players, air conditioner or your hifi. Incoming IR signals can be routed to any other Ozeki 10 connection. The remote brand is added to the route message too.
Send or receive remote controller signals
Use the most popular remote controller brands to send a signal to this connection and route it as you wish. In the other direction the transmitter can imitate the signals of the most significant remote controller brands to control your devices in your home. For example TVs, DVD players, air conditioner or your hifi. Incoming IR signals can be routed to any other Ozeki 10 connection. The remote brand is added to the route message too.
Send or receive remote controller signals

RF 433 MHz Transceiver
This connection provides two way RF communication with the help of a 433MHz transmitter or receiver module wired to an Arduino. Ozeki 10 routes all received radio signals to any selected connection or broadcasts routed messages on the 433MHz radio frequency. At Ozeki Informatics Ltd's office, this technology is used for moving the shutter and switching on or off the power supplies. RF technology helps you to easily create smart homes.
Send or receive messages with the RF 433 MHz technology
This connection provides two way RF communication with the help of a 433MHz transmitter or receiver module wired to an Arduino. Ozeki 10 routes all received radio signals to any selected connection or broadcasts routed messages on the 433MHz radio frequency. At Ozeki Informatics Ltd's office, this technology is used for moving the shutter and switching on or off the power supplies. RF technology helps you to easily create smart homes.
Send or receive messages with the RF 433 MHz technology

RF 2.4 GHz Transceiver
Transmit or receive text messages with RF 2.4 GHz Transceiver connections. You can create this connection by acquiring an NRF24L01 module and an Arduino. After uploading the microcontroller code, try it on Ozeki 10 and route messages from or to the RF 2.4 GHz connection. With Ozeki 10 Robot OS, you can control your hobby drones on the 2.4 GHz frequency or create a wireless conversations by using multiple transceivers.
Wire an RF 2.4 GHz module and Ozeki 10 will autodetect it
Transmit or receive text messages with RF 2.4 GHz Transceiver connections. You can create this connection by acquiring an NRF24L01 module and an Arduino. After uploading the microcontroller code, try it on Ozeki 10 and route messages from or to the RF 2.4 GHz connection. With Ozeki 10 Robot OS, you can control your hobby drones on the 2.4 GHz frequency or create a wireless conversations by using multiple transceivers.
Wire an RF 2.4 GHz module and Ozeki 10 will autodetect it
Temperature Controller
This device can measure temperature and turn the heater on or off depending on the settings. You can set it up as a thermostat on the device configuration GUI. On the other way around you can program it as a thermostat to do more interesting tasks by using the Robot Controller. Additionally you can add a routing rule to create a message flow between the temperature controller device and any other Ozeki 10 connection. Ozeki will receive the current temperature as events and turn ON or OFF the heater depending on your setup.
Try out the Temperature Controller with a cup of hot water
This device can measure temperature and turn the heater on or off depending on the settings. You can set it up as a thermostat on the device configuration GUI. On the other way around you can program it as a thermostat to do more interesting tasks by using the Robot Controller. Additionally you can add a routing rule to create a message flow between the temperature controller device and any other Ozeki 10 connection. Ozeki will receive the current temperature as events and turn ON or OFF the heater depending on your setup.
Try out the Temperature Controller with a cup of hot water

More information
- Arduino sensors and actuators
- How to use an analog sensor in arduino
- How to use a button controller in arduino
- How to use a buzzer in arduino
- How to use dc motors in arduino
- How to use a dht sensor in arduino
- How to use an EEPROM Manager in arduino
- How to use a gyroscope sensor in arduino
- How to use id manager in arduino
- How to use IR transceiver in arduino
- How to use an analog joystick in arduino
- How to use a keyboard in arduino
- How to use an LCD display in arduino
- How to use an NFC Reader in arduino
- How to use an optical gate in arduino
- How to use a register in arduino
- How to use an RF 433 MHz transceiver
- How to use an RF 2.4 GHz transceiver
- How to use an RGB LED in arduino
- How to use an RGB sensor in arduino
- How to use a rotary encoder in arduino
- How to use a servo motor in arduino
- How to use a stepper motor in arduino
- How to use a switch in arduino
- How to use a temperature sensor in arduino
- How to use a timer in arduino
- How to use an ultrasonic sensor in arduino